Bradley, Huddersfield

01484 420262


Welfare Officers

Your club welfare officers are:

Jacqui Blesic MBA, MSc – Lead for staff issues.

Sarah Frakes – Lead for all Recreational members Welfare

Miriam Olutayo – Lead for all Squad members Welfare

Contact details for the welfare officers are on the Notice Board

Alternatively you may contact:

Club Director
Christine Bowker MBE
Tel:   01484 541473

Greenhead Gymnastics Club is committed to ensuring that those working with children and vulnerable staff adopt best practice to ensure the health, safety and welfare of the participants and staff.The club will endeavor to promote the highest standards of care for all members, staff and officials by:

  • The adoption of the BG Health, Safety and Welfare guidelines.
  • The adoption of the NG guidelines for the Protection of Children and Vulnerable adults.
  • The appointment of a Welfare Officer to whom grievances or complaints can be made confidentially.
  • Ensuring that staff are suitably trained in Child Protection and Health, Safety and Welfare issues.
  • Ensuring that coaches and officials have been screened to confirm their suitability to work with children. Where appropriate this will include Criminal Record Bureau disclosure.
  • Ensuring that best coaching practice guidelines are followed at all times.
  • Ensuring that grievances or complaints are dealt with promptly and in accordance with the grievances procedures.
  • Ensuring that a minimum of two responsible adults are present at all training sessions or events.
  • Ensuring that the participants and/or parents are aware of the purpose of videoing, filming or photography during training or events.
  • Yorkshire and National Competitions require a signed form for photography or videoing.
  • Having a zero tolerance level to poor practice, bullying or any potential form of abuse.

This is to confirm that Greenhead Gymnastics Club has adopted The British Gymnastics Child Protection Policy.


For Participants

We are fully committed to safeguarding and promoting the well being of all our members. The club believes it is important that members, coaches, administrators and parents associated with the club should, at all times show respect and understanding for the safety and welfare of others. Therefore, members are encouraged to be open at all times and share any concerns that they may have about any aspect of the club with our nominated Welfare Officer or Club Director.

As a member of Greenhead Gymnastics Club you are expected to abide by the following club rules:

  • abide by the club rules.
  • respect coaches, judges and their decisions.
  • respect opponents and fellow club members.
  • endeavour to keep to agreed timings for training and competitions or inform their coach if they are going to be later
  • wear suitable attire for training and events as agreed with the coach.
  • Long hair must be tied back and no jewellery is permitted. (BG rule)
  • pay any fees for training or events promptly.
  • not smoke, consume alcohol or take drugs of any kind whilst representing the club at competitions or other events.
  • treat all equipment with respect.
  • inform their coach of any injuries or illness they may have before the warm-up begins.
  • not chew gum during training sessions.
  • not use bad language.
  • remain with coaches at the end of a session until collected by their parent or guardian.
  • Squad gymnasts must familiarise themselves with the extra rules that apply to them.

For Parents / Guardians

  • Encourage your child to learn the rules and participate within them.
  • Attire:
    • Leotard / shorts and top
    • No jewellery (BG rule)
    • Long hair must be tied back
    • No loose clothing
  • Discourage challenging / arguing with officials.
  • Publically accept officials’ judgements.
  • Help your child to recognise good performance, not just results.
  • Ensure that your child is a BG member. The appropriate fee is paid each year in September and is collected by the club.
  • Set a good example by recognising good sportsmanship and applauding the good performances of all.
  • Fees must be paid in advance. Cheques should be guaranteed by a bankcard. Competition fees are generally required 4 weeks prior to a competition. Non payment of fees may render your membership void.
  • NOTICE OF LEAVING. This should be given to the Director at least 4 weeks before the proposed leaving date.
  • Always ensure your child is dressed appropriately for the activity and has plenty to drink
  • Inform the club if your child is unable to attend the training session, especially in bad weather.
  • Endeavour to establish good relationships with the club, coaches and officials for the benefit of all. If you were able to assist the club in any way this would be greatly appreciated. We have a fund raising sub committee, fund raising events and try to maintain the gym in a good condition by doing some of the work ourselves e.g. painting. This is to keep the fees as low as possible as we are a private club and get very little financial assistance. Some parents qualify as coaches and judges.
  • Share any concerns about any aspect of the club by contacting the Club Director or Welfare Officer.
  • Use correct and proper language at all times
  • Never punish or belittle a child for poor performance or making mistakes. Positive motivation is always desirable.
  • Always collect your child promptly at the end of a session from the entrance foyer where they will be supervised by a coach. Should you be delayed try to inform the coach who will then keep the gymnast in the gym until you arrive. No gymnast must leave the gym unaccompanied.
  • Should your child sustain an injury you will be informed when you collect them from the gym. If there is a serious injury every effort will be made to contact you.
  • Support your child’s involvement and help them to enjoy their sport.
  • The club cannot take responsibility for any large amounts of money brought on to the premises, or for mobile phones.


​Our GDPR document can be found here.